For more information on using the data in Google Earth™, please see Using the National Flood Hazard Layer Web Map Service (WMS) in Google Earth™.
To do so, you will need GIS or mapping software that can read data in shapefile format.įEMA also offers a download of a KMZ (keyhole markup file zipped) file, which overlays the data in Google Earth™. The map shows crime incident data down to neighborhood crime activity including arrest, arson, assault, burglary, robbery, shooting, theft, vandalism, and rape. This data can be used in most GIS applications to perform spatial analyses and for integration into custom maps and reports. Explore a map of recent crime by location. Using the “Search All Products” on the MSC, you can download the NFHL data for a County or State in a GIS file format. You can also use the address search on the FEMA Flood Map Service Center (MSC) to view the NFHL data or download a FIRMette. For more information on available services, go to the NFHL GIS Services User Guide. Below is a map of fires that are currently burning in Oregon, as compiled by the wildfire tracking website InciWeb, operated by the U.S.
Technical GIS users can also utilize a series of dedicated GIS web services that allow the NFHL database to be incorporated into websites and GIS applications.
In the NFHL Viewer, you can use the address search or map navigation to locate an area of interest and the NFHL Print Tool to download and print a full Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) or FIRMette (a smaller, printable version of a FIRM) where modernized data exists. Use of this map layer for any purpose is at your own risk, and Trailbehind Inc (maker of Gaia GPS) is not responsible for any actions you take based on the information contained in any map.Or you you may view, download, and print current local digital effective flood hazard data in an ArcGIS map. ODF keeps statistics on wildfires that occur in its protection jurisdiction, 16 million acres of private and public forestland. This map source is updated daily as new data is made available by fire agencies, but many fire boundaries will be out of date or incorrect, and recent fires may not have been added yet. Attractions City of Grants Pass Community of Merlin Fairgrounds Free Guide to North West Camping Highway 199 Guide and Trails Parks Recreation. Attractions Fairgrounds Solid Waste and Recycling Transportation. Use this layer to plan reroutes, keep informed of likely trail closures, and stay safe during wildfire season. Flood Maps - FEMA Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan Personal & Family Preparedness Recreation.

NIFC Active Fires database, and accuracy is subject to data availability. fires are considered “Extinguished” when no corresponding active fire is present in the U.S. Make sure to zoom in to see available fire information on the map. Tip: Wildfires only appear on the map at certain zoom levels. National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC), Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), the Province of British Columbia, Alberta Wildfire, and the Government of Saskatchewan. Tap the fire alert banner: If an active fire’s location overlaps with the visible part of your map, a fire alert banner shows up in the Explore sheet on the Maps homescreen. This layer is updated daily as new data is made available by the U.S. that are responding to wildfire disasters with software, data, imagery, project services & technical support. An overlay mapping areas affected by currently burning fires throughout the U.S.